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Structural Steel Design Training using SCIA Engineer

Steel Hall Design according to Eurocode EN 1993-1-1


Discover the BIM analysis solution for Structural Engineering Design with our SCIA Engineer courses. Seize the opportunity to become more efficient by learning to use the highly precise and reliable SCIA Engineer, the analysis software with probably the best Eurocode integration.

✓ Initiation in SCIA Engineer

✓ FEM modelling in SCIA Engineer

✓ Eurocode 1990 Design Theory
[Safety factors & NA Parameters]

✓ Eurocode 1991 Design Theory
[Load evaluation]

✓ Eurocode 1993-1-1 Design Theory
[Section & Stability]

✓ Eurocode 1993-1-2 Design Theory
[Fire Section & Stability check]

✓ Eurocode 1993-1-8 Design Theory
[Bolt & Weld Connections]

✓ Engineering report creation

✓ General arrangement drawings

✓ Bill of material



By the end of the training session, you should be able to:

✓ Model 3D steel hall structures

✓ Create and check an analysis model

✓ Evaluate gravitational and climatic loads according to Eurocode

✓ Perform linear-elastic FEM analysis

✓ Design & Check Structural Steel elements

✓ Design steel connections (component-based-method)

✓ Steel connection drawings

✓ General Arrangement Drawings

✓ Engineering report

✓ Bill of material

✓ Perform non-linear analysis

✓ Perform stability analysis

✓ Fire design & check of structural steel elements

✓ Fire insulation design for structural steel elements


SCIA Engineer Steel Design Training - Standard Package

  • The training uses SCIA ENGINEER V19.1. You can order a trial license using this link.

    The trial license works for any SCIA ENGINEER version, if you want to download SCIA 18 please use this link.