Allplan Architecture 2023 - Video Training
The main purpose of the Architecture Basic course is to get participants acquainted with BIM workflow. The basic training will cover the entire workflow from initial 2D drawings to 3D models and bill of material.
By the end of the training session, each participant will learn how to:
- Create and modify 2D elements
- Create and modify basic 3D elements
- Completely define all the basic architectural elements
- Modelling 3D furniture
- Create a building structure model
- Build a 3D model for a multistorey building
- Generate associative views, sections and bills of quantities from the 3D model
- Create Sun Studies
- Position construction on real terrain
- Rendering and export results for VR
- Communicate online with other BIM participant
What do you get?
- 69 movies summing up a total of 12 h
- Generated PDF and DWG drawings
- Project outputs (3D model, randers, qunatity reports)
- Complete Allplan Project from Trainer
- DWG and PDF work files / input data
Allplan Architecture 2023 Video Course (EN)
0 Introduction
1 Downloading and installing the ALLPLAN BIM solution
2 Training objectives
3 Course curriculum
4 Getting started with Allplan AEC 2023
5 Using Allmenu - Services 2023
6 Setting up a new project in ALLPLAN 2023
7 CAD vs GIS coordinate system
8 Action bar and pallete UI presentation
9 Configuring options in ALLPLAN 2023
10 Importing 2D situation plan from DWG
11 Editing data imported from DWG
12 Organising drawings in Allplan 2023
13 3D Modelling the terrain in Allplan
14 Finished architectural model overview
15 Building structure system presentation
16 Creating the building structure step-by-step
17 Defining the 3D construction grid
18 Importing architectural theme workflows
19 Modelling Ground Floor Architecture
20 Automatic finish generation using Room function
21 Adjusting reference planes
22 Drawing the architecture of the terrace
23 Modelling the architectura for the Garage
24 Modelling the architecture for the second floor
25 Stair modelling in Allplan
26 Modelling the roof cover
27 Modelling doors and windows
28 Modelling the Garage doors
29 Landscape and urban furniture modelling
30 Modelling the exterior architecture (Yard)
31 Parametric modelling of the surrounding fence
32 Transfering windows and doors to top floor
33 Inserting skylight windows in the roof cover
34 Geo-positioning the building model
35 Preparing model for randering
36 Sun study simulation
37 Uploading the 3D model to Google Earth
38 Accesing other databases for 3D objects
39 Modelling Q & A and Conclussions
40 Preparing model for Quantity Take-off
41 Quantities Take-Off Reports
42 Adding custom attributes to objects
43 Preparing the situation plan
44 Creating isometric overview of the model
45 Preparing the Architectural Views
46 Preparing the architectural plans and sections
47 Generating list of drawings
48 Exporting drawings in PDF and DWG format
49 Exporting model to 3D PDF format
50 Preparing presentation movie of the 3D model
51 Choosing the right hardware for Allplan
52 Preparing 360 degre image in Allplan
53 Exporting model to CDE platform BIM PLUS
54 Q & A - Adding rainwater gutter
55 Q & A - Questions collected from live audience
56 Preparing data for BIM PLUS export
57 Common Data Enviornment presentation
58 Issues and tasks management in BIM Plus
59 Clash management in BIM Plus
60 Benefits of BIM plus Add-ins
61 Schedule simulation in BIM Plus
62 Benefits of additional Apps for BIM Plus
63 Is it worth investing in BIM work methology
64 Connecting Allplan model to Lumion via Live Sync
65 Q & A - Computing terrain cut and fill
66 Connecting the reports to building structure
67 Planning the worksite of your project
68 Next recommanded educational step
69 Requirements for Allplan Architecture User Certificate