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Advanced Training


Discover the BIM solution for Structural Engineering Design at the Allplan courses. Seize the opportunity to become more efficient by learning to use the highly precise and reliable Allplan BIM planning software for structural engineering students and graduates. 


Smartparts and Python parts are intelligent parametric objects that allow easy modification and customisation in order to increase productivity with regards to changes that occur in any project.




This training is accesible also to beginners but in order to understand  all essential tools it is important to first follow a basic course. In order to become a proficient user of Allplan, we strongly recommend that you use what you learn in a personal project, either on your own or by joining an Consultancy/Project Training course. The main purpose of the Engineering Advanced course is to get participants use parametric objects BIM workflow.


The basic training will cover the entire workflow from initial 2D drawings to 3D reinforcement and bill of material.

By the end of the training session, each student will be able to:


 Create and modify 2D elements

 Use prebuilt Python Parts & Smartparts

 Use PP Editor and PP Interpretor

 Organise a precast hall project

 Generate and adapt 3D reinforcement

 Generate associative views, sections and bills of quantities from the 3D model

 Reinforce the 3D structural precast elements (girders, columns, walls, staircases, etc.)

 Create Formwork Drawings

 Create reinforcement drawings and bending schedules

 Import / export from and to various formats.




1. Initial setup 
1.1 Allmenu 
1.2 Options 
1.3 Allplan vs Autocad comparison  
1.3 Creating a new project 
1.4 Allplan Modules 
1.5 Options 
1.6 Shortcuts in Allplan 
1.7 Setting up Allplan custom menus 
1.8 Using the Allplan help efficiently and other sources of information 
1.9 Wizards 

2. 2D Modelling 
2.1 Column elevation 
2.2 Beam cross-section 
2.3 Girder cross-sections 
2.4 Wall elevation 
2.5 Adding dimensions, text and labels 

3.1 3D columns 
3.1.1 Extrude columns, walls, beams & girders 
3.1.2 Creating openings in 3D objects 
3.1.3 Creating steel parts embedded in columns 
3.1.4 Fixtures  
3.1.5 Adding parts to wizard 
3.2 3D Modelling beams, girders, walls & columns using Python Parts 

4. BIM Modelling  
4.1 Creating the building structure model 
4.2 Organizing the project 
4.3 Defining the grid system 
4.4 DWG/PDF import 
4.5 Creating the foundations using smartparts 
4.6 Creating the concrete slab and opennings 
4.7 Modelling the staircase 
4.8 Modelling the roof bracings 
4.9 Export of the 3D Model (IFC, KMZ, 3D PDF) 
4.10 Bill of material & cost estimation 


5. General Arrangements Drawings & Formwork plans 
5.1 Associative views 
5.2 Associative sections 
5.3 Preparing formwork drawings 

6. 3D Reinforcing and detailing  
6.1 Column reinforcement using FF-Components 
6.2 Downstand beam reinforcement 
6.3 Girder reinforcement (variable reinforcement) 
6.4 Wall reinforcement 
6.5 Stair ramp reinforcement ( manual, FF-Components, PythonParts) 

7. Preparing the project for delivery 

7.1 Organising the final execution drawings 
7.2 Export drawings to PDF, DWG 
7.3 Export final quantities report 
7.4 Export 3D reinforcement model 


BONUS Materials:

  • PDF Workbook
  • Allplan Project (finished)
  • Pythonparts created during the training
  • Deliverables created during the training


Allplan 2018 BIM ENGINEERING Advanced Course

  • The training uses Allplan Engineering 2018. You can order a trial license using this link.

    The trial license works for any Allpan version, if you want to download Allplan 2017 please use this link.


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