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Basic Training


Discover the BIM solution for Structural Engineering Design at the Allplan courses. Seize the opportunity to become more efficient by learning to use the highly precise and reliable Allplan BIM planning software for structural engineering students and graduates.




All the courses in the Basic Training series are introductory and do not require any previous knowledge of a CAD or BIM software. In order to become a proficient user of Allplan, we strongly recommend that you use what you learn in a personal project, either on your own or by joining an Advanced Training course. The main purpose of the Engineering Basic course is to get participants acquainted with BIM workflow.


The basic training will cover the entire workflow from initial 2D drawings to 3D reinforcement and bill of material.

By the end of the training session, each student will be able to:


 Create and modify 2D elements

 Create and modify basic 3D elements

 Completely define all the basic architectural elements

 Create a building structure model

 Build a 3D model for a multistory building

 Generate associative views, sections and bills of quantities from the 3D model

 Reinforce the 3D structural elements (beams, columns, slabs, staircases, etc.)

 Create Formwork Drawings

 Create reinforcement drawings and bending schedules

 Import / export from and to various formats.





  • Presentation of the Allplan and Allmenu interfaces
  • Creating a new project.
  • Main settings for and properties of a project Fileset and Building Structures.
  • Working with layers.
  • Data Exchange.
  • Importing PDF and DWG files.



  • Creating and modifying 2D elements.
  • Text settings.
  • Creating a layout label.
  • Saving/loading data to/from the library.
  • Basic 3D modelling. Creating and modifying 3D objects.



  • Creating the Axis Grid.
  • Defining a BIM Building Structure in accordance with the IFC 2x3 standard
  • Defining architectural elements: foundations, single and multi-layer walls, columns, beams, slabs.
  • Assigning trades and material qualities.



  • Visualize and export 3D model
  • Rendering the 3D model
  • Bill of material



  • Generate associative views and sections
  • Formwork drawing
  • Plot layouts in Allplan



  • 3D reinforcing of structural elements (columns, beams, slabs, staircase, openings, etc.)
  • Detailing of 3D structural elements
  • Print layouts in Allplan.
  • Exporting the model and the layouts.


BONUS Materials:

  • PDF Workbook
  • Allplan Project (finished)
  • Deliverables created during the training
  • Allplan Q&A videos

Allplan 2017 BIM ENGINEERING Basic Course

  • The training uses Allplan Engineering 2017. You can order a trial license using this link.

    The trial license works for any Allpan version, if you want to download Allplan 2017 please use this link.